Saturday, May 25, 2013

Gallery Paintings

Yesterday, my dear friend Jayne and I took a road trip to Saugatuck, Michigan to deliver my paintings to the Button Petter Gallery.  If you would like to see the paintings, please click on Ann's Virtual Gallery for a closer look.

The Gallery will be hosting an opening for me on July 20th, so if you'll be anywhere near the area around then, I hope you'll stop in and say hello!  It is truly a thrill for me to be part of such a beautiful gallery, amongst an amazing group of talented artists.

The Button Petter Gallery

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Another Day in Paradise, 7x5"

This is a tiny thumbnail painting of a scene that we stumbled upon in Banff.  I'm in the process of creating a much larger painting (20x16") now that I have most of the bugs worked out. It's so handy to have a smaller sketch to refer to, to keep from getting lost in the larger format.

For purchase information, please click on Ann Feldman Paradise.