Sunday, September 25, 2011

Illinois Sunflowers, 5x5"

Sunflowers are everywhere in our area right now-- profusions of them!  During a walk in a field, I came upon a huge branch of them hanging over my path.  I could look up into them at the sky above.  I toned a board with hot pink (pthalo red rose) and layered color on top with a palette knife. Sometimes starting a painting with an unexpected color can give a painting extra vibrancy.

If you would like to bid on this painting, please click on Ann Feldman Illinois Sunflowers.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rain in the Woods, 8x8" (Sold)

This is the other plein air painting I completed in the rain at the Crabtree Paint Out.  A week later now, and my gear is just about dried out from the excursion!  Sure, there was some hardship involved that day, but I'm so glad that I didn't miss out on the beauty of that quiet spot.

If you would like to purchase this painting, please click on Ann Feldman Rain in the Woods.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Edge of the Prairie, 8x8" (Sold)

Can you tell that this little painting was created in a downpour?  Last Sunday's Crabtree Forest Paint Out was nearly washed out by rain, but a surprising number of hearty souls braved the weather with good cheer, and it turned out to be a fantastic day.  Dear husband John stuck with me the whole day-- we resembled a couple of whalers from Nantucket in our rain gear!  We trekked way out to the prairie where the adverse weather toned the grass and wildflowers into glowing fall color.  It was worth the trip!

To bid on this painting, please click on Ann Feldman Edge of the Prairie.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Mainstreet Instructors Show

"Timeless", 18x24"

Did you know that the instructors from Mainstreet have a show going on now at the Elmhurst Art Museum in Elmhurst, Illinois?  It will be up until October 21-- plenty of time to get there!  And we'll have a reception on Friday October 7, at 7pm, and I would LOVE to see you there.

In the meantime, if you'd like to see the art that I have there, please click on Ann Feldman's Virtual Gallery.   Thank you!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tall Grass Study, Crabtree Forest Preserve, 5x5" (Sold)

The Crabtree Forest Paint Out is tomorrow, so this is the last of my studies before the big event.  I'm looking over my studies today, deciding which type of painting I should paint on site.  So far, I've gotten votes for the thistle study and the tree.  If you have any thoughts to share with me, please do so!  I love your input -- but time is limited! I'm packing up tomorrow morning!

These little studies (and a couple of extras) will be on sale at Crabtree tomorrow.  I've decided to price them at $40 a piece.  If you'd like me to put one aside for you, please let me know.  And thanks!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wildflower Study, Crabtree Forest, 5x5"

This is another tiny plein air study I did in preparation for the Art in Nature event at Crabtree Forest Preserve this Sunday.  These studies will be for sale at the event, but if you'd like me to reserve one for you, just let me know!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Tree Study, Crabtree Forest 5x5" (Sold)

This is a little tree study that I painted in preparation for the Art in Nature event at Crabtree Forest this weekend.  All of these tiny studies will be for sale at the event-- if you would like me to reserve one for you, please let me know!

I'm trying to arrive at a final painting idea for the event, and I'd love to have your vote!  I'll post a couple more, so please stay tuned.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Thistle Study II, 5x5"

Here is the finished study in color.  While I was outside and in front of my subject, I mixed some of the colors that I was observing and made little swatches of these colors on a toned board.  When I came inside, I had my swatches, my three value study, and a photo or two to guide me. Taking the monochrome study from my previous post, I layered color on top.  I tried to keep to the lights and darks that I had mapped out, and I adjusted some problem compositional areas as I painted along.

I may decide to use this study to paint an actual painting, but sometimes I like the spontaneity of little studies like this one!

My plein air studies will be on sale this Sunday at the Crabtree Forest Paint Out-- come visit me!  The Preserve is on Palatine Road, near the intersection with Barrington Road.  I'll be there from 11-4.

Thistle Study I, 5x5"

I'm getting ready for the great Crabtree Forest Preserve Paint Out this weekend. Whenever I paint outdoors, I have a hard time getting color right, so I paint monochromatic studies like this one to get me started.  For this one, I took a new canvas and covered it with wet purple paint mixed with some Gamsol.  To find the light parts, I used a clean brush or paper towel to wipe away the paint.  Then I went in with a brush loaded with thick paint to find the dark areas.

Now that my composition is figured out and my lights and darks are defined, all I have to do is match my color with what's already happening.  Sounds easy, right?  Well, as I looked again at my composition, I decided to tweak it a bit and move things around as I painted.  I'll post the finished product so you can see the difference.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday Afternoon (Sold)

I challenged myself with this setup to paint white things without using much white at all.  I held back until the last little highlights at the end to indicate that the surfaces were indeed white.  After all, you can't paint a light highlight if everything behind it is already white!

If you would like to bid on this painting, please click on Ann Feldman Wednesday Afternoon.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Orange You Blue? 8x8"

I've entered a dangerous phase in my life-- ordering antique glass objects on Ebay!  The "buy" button on my computer just seems to click itself.  This is an antique inkwell that is one of my newest acquisitions.

To bid on this painting, please click on Ann Feldman Orange You Blue?